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/ Night Owl - The Best of BBS / Night Owl The Best of BBS (NOP-BBS) (Night Owl Publisher) (1994).iso / 016a / cmagi416.zip

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Images (5)

Fonts (4)
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Borland Graphics Font

1991-02-13 (18KB)
No Preview Available  LITT.CHR

Borland Graphics Font

1991-02-13 (5KB)
No Preview Available

Borland Graphics Font

1991-02-13 (14KB)
No Preview Available  TRIP.CHR

Borland Graphics Font

1991-02-13 (17KB)
No Preview Available

Document (1)
NameFormat# PagesSizeDate
CMERROR.DBF dBase/FoxBase/XBase/FoxPro Database File 2 4KB 1993-06-28

Text (34)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
BOARD.HLP Text File 56 3KB 1993-05-28
CM_H.BAT DOS Batch File 3 40b 1992-04-27
CM_P.BAT DOS Batch File 3 24b 1992-04-27
CM_T.BAT DOS Batch File 3 32b 1992-04-27
CM_Y.BAT DOS Batch File 3 24b 1992-04-27
CM_Z.BAT DOS Batch File 3 21b 1992-04-27
CMAGIC.DOC Text File 1,342 67KB 1993-07-25
CMAGIC.SCR Text File 311 18KB 1993-06-28
CMATE.DOC Text File 173 6KB 1993-06-28
CMATE.GME Text File 67 274b 1991-09-07
CMATE.OPN Text File 832 10KB 1990-04-21
CMATE.SCR Text File 106 4KB 1993-01-16
CMCOM.HLP Text File 13 594b 1993-02-06
CMEDIT.DOC Text File 814 41KB 1993-06-29
CMEDIT.HLP Text File 49 2KB 1992-08-20
CMEDIT.NEW Text File 53 2KB 1993-07-25
CMPROTO.DAT Comma Seperated Value File 6 68b 1992-04-27
CMUSER.DOC Text File 665 28KB 1993-06-29
CONFIG.FP Text File 2 8b 1993-06-03
DOOR.SYS Text File 36 236b 1992-04-27
FILE_ID.DIZ Text File 9 352b 1993-06-30
INFO.HLP Text File 31 1KB 1993-05-28
INQUIRY.HLP Text File 71 4KB 1992-08-20
LOCAL.BAT DOS Batch File 24 986b 1993-06-28
MENU.HLP Text File 133 6KB 1992-08-21
MYSTORY!.TXT Text File 225 12KB 1992-12-15
ONLINE.HLP Text File 21 1KB 1992-08-20
PCB_DOOR.BAT DOS Batch File 5 141b 1992-04-27
README.1ST Text File 139 8KB 1993-07-25
REGISTER.ME Text File 73 3KB 1993-06-29
SAMPLE.BAT DOS Batch File 22 411b 1993-06-28
WAITROOM.HLP Text File 100 5KB 1993-01-08
WC_DOOR.BAT DOS Batch File 25 769b 1992-04-27
WHATSNEW.TXT Text File 111 6KB 1993-08-21

Other Files (8)
CMAGIC.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 443KB 1993-08-21
CMATE.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 326KB 1993-08-21
CMEDIT.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 89KB 1993-07-25
CMERROR.CDX Sybase iAnywhere Index 7KB 1993-06-28
EGAVGA.BGI Borland Graphics Interface Driver 6KB 1991-02-13
! Unknown 2KB 1992-10-19
EGACHESS.FNT Unknown 24KB 1992-04-05
LOGO.MEM Unknown 4KB 1993-03-31